Hello everyone. I consider buying a DAppNode after I learned today the hard way how bad centralization is in a supposedly decentralized network.
However reading the documentation it seems like the DAppNode is kinda designed around the fact that you connect via OpenVPN to it. That is unfortunate because I already use Wireguard all the time for private browsing. (Please no discussion about private browsing.) Also quite frankly I would prefer connecting to it via http(s) on my local network even if I wasn’t running Wireguard.
So is it without any downsides in ease of use possible to use a DAppNode on your local network without OpenVPN or does it “suck” because all the apps depend on the local dns serving addresses like “blabla.mydappnode.eth”?
Is it possible to disable the VPN-Capabilities completely since I don’t want to offer others access to my node anyway?
I primarily want to run my own ETH node so I will never be affected by infuria being down again and if possible I want to earn some money on the side by staking. I also would love to start early with ETH2 if possible.