Unable to access Dappstore . or Stakers

Hi, I am unable to access the dappnode store or stakers. It has been brought to our attention that it may be a port that is closed. However all ports are open. A scan shows all open. The API scan however shows port 51820 and port 4002 as unknown. Although they are open. The API is unknown for those ports. 4002 may be the problem. How can we fix the problem?
Before filing a new topic, please provide the following information.

Core DAppNode Packages versions

  • bind.dnp.dappnode.eth: 0.2.6
  • core.dnp.dappnode.eth: 0.2.66
  • dappmanager.dnp.dappnode.eth: 0.2.61, commit: a217554d
  • https.dnp.dappnode.eth: 0.1.4
  • ipfs.dnp.dappnode.eth: 0.2.19
  • wifi.dnp.dappnode.eth: 0.2.8
  • wireguard.dnp.dappnode.eth: 0.1.2

System info

  • dockerComposeVersion: 1.25.5
  • dockerServerVersion: 20.10.5+dfsg1
  • dockerCliVersion: 20.10.5+dfsg1
  • os: debian
  • versionCodename: bullseye
  • architecture: amd64
  • kernel: 5.10.0-18-amd64
  • Disk usage: 20%

Thanks below is the error message when attempting to access dappnode store.

This is the error when attempting to access dappnode store:

missing revert data in call exception; Transaction reverted without a reason string [ See: Error Codes ] (data=“0x”, transaction={“to”:“0xf19F629642C6697Af77d8316BeF8DE0de3A27a70”,“data”:“0xaa6ebdcb”,“accessList”:null}, error={“reason”:“processing response error”,“code”:“SERVER_ERROR”,“body”:“{"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32002,"message":"No state available for block 0xbad4f133029c96001a529163d4a2455c91204d6ea5b99d6febed649574232a06"},"id":44}”,“error”:{“code”:-32002},“requestBody”:“{"method":"eth_call","params":[{"to":"0xf19f629642c6697af77d8316bef8de0de3a27a70","data":"0xaa6ebdcb"},"latest"],"id":44,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}”,“requestMethod”:“POST”,“url”:“http://nethermind.public.dappnode:8545”}, code=CALL_EXCEPTION, version=providers/5.7.2)

THIS issue was resolved by deleting all volumes of Execution Client (Nethermind) and restarting from zero syncing. I assume the database had been corrupted because as soon as the volume was deleted dappstore and the stakers page were able to open and load up.

Glad it got resolved. That’s a weird issue.

It seem like a problem with the file should not cause the whole dappstore to crash.

I have this same issue. Prysm / Nethermind

Exact same error code too

missing revert data in call exception; Transaction reverted without a reason string [ See: Error Codes ] (data=“0x”, transaction={“to”:“0xf19F629642C6697Af77d8316BeF8DE0de3A27a70”,“data”:“0xaa6ebdcb”,“accessList”:null}, error={“reason”:“processing response error”,“code”:“SERVER_ERROR”,“body”:“{"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32002,"message":"No state available for block 0xd5bde341b1739903ff55baed0247372ee2f443fc8aefffbd31875a3bbc9a5e27"},"id":44}”,“error”:{“code”:-32002},“requestBody”:“{"method":"eth_call","params":[{"to":"0xf19f629642c6697af77d8316bef8de0de3a27a70","data":"0xaa6ebdcb"},"latest"],"id":44,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}”,“requestMethod”:“POST”,“url”:“http://nethermind.public.dappnode:8545”}, code=CALL_EXCEPTION, version=providers/5.7.2)

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have you checked your logs are you attesting? My problem was with the nethermind db bug i believe since it was fixed after deleted and reinstalled.

I was not running a mainnet validator, just the nodes. Mine was the same and was solved with your solution. It just worries me because I dont want this to happen when my validator is live and it will cost me Eth :smiley:

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