OpenVPN: WARNING: Your certificate has expired!

I recently started getting the above error when trying to connect to my dappnode via openvpn. I accessed the server by IP addess, ie: , and downloaded the .ovpn file, but still got the same error.

I am assuming I need to regenerate something?

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Has anybody got any suggestions here?

I’m also seeing this and would like to know how to renew the certificate

Knowing that I am not the only person experiencing this is very comforting!

Looks like a couple people are asking the same question on Discord. I’ll post the responses here if anything useful happens

I got it!

ssh into your dappnode server, and switch to the root user.

cd /usr/src/dappnode/DNCORE/
docker-compose -f docker-compose-vpn.yml down -v
docker-compose -f docker-compose-vpn.yml up -d

Make sure you use the -v option on the down command. This removes the old volumes, where the Certificate was stored. The -d option on the up command starts the container detached, so that it doesn’t shut down when you log out.

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Thank you! This worked for me.

in my case I don’t have the file “docker-compose-vpn.yml” inside the DNCORE directory… any idea what I should do?

What files do exist in that directory?

I ended up completely re-install everything on my dappnode, so my error is gone now. Thanks for offering to help Mark!

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