No stats in DAppNode ETH 2.0 Dashboard

Hi team,

I’ve rebuilt my DAppNode recently and been happily running ETH1, Goerli Eth, prysm Beacon-chain/Validator (Witti) for the last day or so after spotting them in the DappStore (lighthouse soon too please?!). Really good experience with the software, thanks and well done all!

Only thing that doesn’t work for me is the ETH 2.0 Dashboard (the host and dappnode monitor dashboards are fine). Any suggestions? Looking around a bit i can’t see any validator client metrics in prometheus directly either.



We’ve published the package without the dashboard, we hope to update the DMS in the next few days to include it, sorry for the inconvenience :sweat: we wanted to get it out as soon as possible.


I want to pile on Really good experience with the software, thanks and well done all!


was this published? my dappstore last I checked said Updated and not clickable. when it becomes clickable, is that how to tell the new package is published?

Hello, curious to know if this was updated or if there is a way to import the dashboard using the JSON import? Can someone share a copy of the dashboard, I noticed my ETH 2.0 dashboard also does not display any data or stats. Thanks!

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does anyone have this working?