Cannot access link provided from dappnode_connect


I am trying to setup my dappnode that I installed from usb iso on a nuc8. I have installed successfully and have checked the device is on my network (can see it in router admin page and ping other network devices) however I can’t access the address provided from dappnode_connect.

I have attempted to access from my windows desktop and iOS device. I am guessing its an issue with the router and followed
but do not see an option for uPNP in my router administrator panel but the support page for my ISP says it should be enabled by default. I have allowed both ports 1194/udp and 8092/tcp through my windows firewall and tried port forwarding those ports in my router for the ip of my dappnode.

I can ping dappnode io from my devices just not with port 8092 and all the documentation states it should be 8090, which seemed to be another discrepancy. Is there anything I am missing or any other way to access the ovpn profile aside from using that link? Is there a need to try to configure the DAppNodeCore-vpn to use 8090 instead of 8092?

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