Validator 124 pertaining to 0x07982d9ece6ff05d7eaf38f3431a330d2f4a5233 proposed a vanilla block at block number 21776772.
According to Ethereum Block Value Analytics, this block could have had a reward of 0.024764775363350207, but proposed a vanilla block of 0.005582248193972984, costing the pool 0.019182527169377222 ETH.
This is the 1st vanilla block.
Latest 10 blocks of 0x07982d9ece6ff05d7eaf38f3431a330d2f4a5233:
21776772, Vanilla
0x07982d9ece6ff05d7eaf38f3431a330d2f4a5233 has proposed 1 consecutive vanilla block(s).
The total owed to the pool is 0.019182527169377222 ETH.