i guess everything is on defult settings.
Where I am confused, is this just a false trigger from grafana, or not, and can check somehow on chain scanner to confirm slashing.
Also it is strange to me how slashing can happened before the validator is activated. All my validators are in “Deposited” state. Architecture of validating algorithm shouldn’t be different? As I understood, slashing and exiting should work after activation.
And, in worst case scenario, if this is really the real slashing, and not just some grafana trigger, what do I need to do to find out the cause and prevent it in the future, and how to know which of my validators is slashed, and can it continue entering to the network after then, because if it slashed, it has lower than 32 ETH?
Prysm is a just a client validator. There’s two versions currently available in our DAppStore, one for testing-validating on Pyrmont (a test-net) and one for the real deal of validating on ETH2.0 a.k.a Mainnet.
I’m sure there has been a misunderstanding and your question is about Pyrmont.
PS. Mainnet is currently being launched as I’m writing this post.
I installed Mainnet Prysm, deposited, via Mainnet Launchpad, and imported keystores to Prysm. (mainnet).
Few hours after deposting and importing grafana wrote that error.
Validator itself recognize the keys, write that eths are deposited, and that it is awaiting genesis.
Is it technically possible to be slashed before network launching?